For whatever reason you may have, you need to sell a car. It may be because you purchased a new car or that you simply no longer need an additional car which was used only as a spare. We all are aware that privately selling a car is not exactly a pleasant process in fact it can turn out to be traumatic. When you make the decision to sell a car in San Diego it can be a hassle, however there are easier alternatives.
We take the hassle out of the entire car selling process because we come to you the seller to buy your car.
With our company based here in San Diego, California we simplify the car selling process. Not only do we come to you (the seller) but we purchase nearly any type of car no matter what the condition is, plus we handle the required paperwork in order to ensure a smooth transaction, and finally we pay the individual who is selling their used car. As you can see we do practically handle everything!
However, if you already began making a list of things you must do to sell your used car privately, think it over again. You may feel frustrated already and you haven’t even spoken to an interested buyer to begin haggling over the price yet. First you must research your vehicle to determine its value which will generally be between the trade-in value and the retail.
When you do come in contact with a potential buyer and provide them with your asking price, of course they will try to talk you into accepting a lower price. This haggling will often continue with all the potential buyers that you speak with. Eventually sellers become tired of this bothersome practice so they “give in” and sell the car at the price the buyer wants.
There are even more crucial scenarios to be aware of prior to selling that used car privately. When you have a potential buyer come to your home, avoid having them test drive your car by themselves because they may not return! Also be sure that the person who will test drive your used car has a valid driver’s license, so ask this question before they get behind the wheel of your car. If you do think you have found a buyer and attempt to collect your payment, be sure their check has cleared prior to signing the title over to them. Do not hand them the car and keys until you are certain that you have been paid.
When you consider all of the troublesome aspects involved in selling a car, we offer a wonderful alternative. We will come to you, examine the car you wish to sell and walk you through our process. We save everyone time and the potential headaches of privately selling a car. So contact us now!